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Burning Stuntman
a Golden Earring fan site
Box sets
Alive… through the years
2nd Live (2018)
Alive… Through the years – Bonus CD (2018)
Completely Naked Vol. 1 (2018)
Completely Naked Vol. 2 (2018)
Last blast of the Century (2018)
Live (2018)
Something heavy going down (2018)
Complete studio recordings
Bloody buccaneers (1991)
Non-album tracks 1 (2017)
Non-album tracks 2 (2017)
Non-album tracks 3 (2017)
The Red Bullet years (2002)
The continuing story of Radar love (2001)
2nd Live (1981)
Bloody buccaneers (1991)
Contraband (1976)
Cut (1982)
Eight miles high (1969)
Face it (1994)
Golden Earring (1970)
Grab it for a second (1978)
Just Ear-rings (1965)
Keeper of the flame (1989)
Last blast of the Century (2000)
Live (1977)
Live in Ahoy 2006 (2006)
Love sweat (1995)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2003)
Miracle mirror (1968)
Moontan (1973)
N.E.W.S. (1984)
Naked II (1997)
Naked III (2005)
No promises… no debts (1979)
On the double (1969)
Paradise in distress (1999)
Prisoner of the night (1980)
Seven tears (1971)
Something heavy going down (1984)
Switch (1975)
The Hague (2015)
The hole (1986)
The naked truth (1992)
Tits’n ass (2012)
To the hilt (1976)
Together (1972)
Winter harvest (1967)
A sound I never heard (2003)
Albino moon (2003)
Angel (1995)
Angel (live) (2005)
Another 45 miles (live) (1992)
As long as the wind blows (live) (1993)
Burning Stuntman (1997)
Colourblind (2003)
Distant love (1989)
Going to the run (1991)
Gotta see Jane (1996)
Hold me now (1994)
I can’t sleep without you (live) (1992)
I’ve just lost somebody (live) (2005)
Johnny make believe (1994)
Just a little bit of peace in my heart (live) (1998)
Long blond animal (live) (1993)
Making love to yourself (1992)
My killer my shadow (1988)
Paradise in distress (1999)
Pouring my heart out again (1992)
Say when (2019)
Temporary madness (1991)
The devil made me do it (live) (1998)
This wheel’s on fire (1996)
Turn the world around (1989)
Whisper in a crowd (1999)
Yes! We’re on fire (2000)
Compilation Albums
50 Jaar Nederpop (2008)
50 Years – anniversary album (2015)
Best of Golden Earring (1992)
Buddy Joe (1990)
Collected (2009)
Collections (2006)
Fully naked (2000)
Fully naked (2012)
Golden greats (1991)
Greatest hits (1968)
Greatest hits (1993)
Lowland Gods (live)
Naked II & Paradise in distress (2004)
Radar love 1991
Singles 1965-1967 (1995)
The collection (1993)
The complete naked truth (1998)
The complete single collection (1965-1991)
The continuing story of Radar love (1989)
The devil made us do it (4 cd) (2000)
The golden years of Dutch pop music (2015)
The long versions (2008)
The very best of (volume 1) (1988)
The very best of (volume 2) (1988)
Very best of (2008)
Very best of vol. 2 (2011)
Don’t stop the show (2002)
Last blast of the century (2001)
Live from the Twilight Zone
Live in Ahoy 2006 (2006)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2003)
Naked II (2004)
The devil made us do it (2002)
The naked truth (2002)
50 years – anniversary album (2016)
Contraband (2021)
Cut (1982)
Cut (2010)
Eight miles high (2019)
Face it (2018)
Fully naked (2019)
Golden Earring (2019)
Last blast of the Century (2020)
Live (2019)
Live (2021)
Mad love (1977)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2003)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2018)
Naked II (2018)
Paradise in distress (2019)
Seven tears (2019)
Switch (2021)
To the hilt (2021)
Together (2020)
Winter harvest (2018)
Maxi singles
Clear night moonlight (1984)
Going to the run (1991)
Live (1977)
My killer my shadow (1988)
N.E.W.S. (1984)
Something heavy going down (1984)
Temporary madness (1991)
Turn the world around (1989)
Twilight zone (1982)
When the lady smiles (1984)
Why do I (1986)
Face it (1994)
The naked truth (1992)
Music on Vinyl releases
Another 45 miles (1969)
Back home (1970)
Bombay (1976)
Buddy Joe (1972)
Ce soir (1975)
Clear night moonlight (1984)
Daddy buy me a girl (1966)
Distant love (1989)
Don’t run too far (1966)
Dong-dong-di-ki-di-gi-dong (1968)
Going to the run (1991)
Holy holy life (1971)
I do rock ’n roll (1979)
I’ve just lost somebody (1967)
If you leave me (1966)
In my house (1967)
Instant poetry (1974)
Just a little bit of peace in my heart (1968)
Just like Vince Taylor (live) (1977)
Long blond animal (1980)
Making love to yourself (1992)
Movin’ down life (1978)
My killer my shadow (1988)
N.E.W.S. (1984)
No for an answer (1980)
Please go (1965)
Pouring my heart out again (1992)
Quiet eyes (1986)
Radar love (1973)
Radar love (2020)
Say when (2020)
She flies on strange wings (1971)
Sleepwalkin’ (1976)
Slow down (1981)
Something heavy going down (1984)
Sound of the screaming day (1967)
Stand by me (1972)
Temporary madness (1991)
That day (1966)
The devil made me do it (1982)
They dance (1986)
To the hilt (1976)
Together we live, together we love (1967)
Turn the world around (1989)
Twilight zone (1982)
Twilight zone (2021)
Weekend love (1979)
When the lady smiles (1984)
Where will I be (1969)
Why do I (1986)
Burning stuntman
Last blast of the century
Live from the Twilight Zone
Making Face it
Naked II
The Golden Earring clips
The naked truth
Golden Earring on Youtube
Book of Lyrics
Lyrics alphabet
Lyrics #
42nd Street
Lyrics A
A shout in the dark
A sound I never heard
Acrobats and clowns
Against the grain
Albino moon
All day watcher
Another 45 miles
Another man in town
Are you receiving me
As long as the wind blows
Avalanche of love
Avenue of broken dreams
Lyrics B
Baby don’t make me nervous
Baby dynamite
Back home
Backbiting baby
Bad news to fall in love
Ballad of a thin man
Beautiful blue
Better of dead
Big tree blue sea
Bloody buccaneers
Born a second time
Brother wind
Buddy Joe
Burning stuntman
By routes
Lyrics C
Call me
Can do that
Can’t talk now
Candy’s going bad
Chargin’ up my batteries
Circus will be in town in time
Clear night moonlight
Come in outerspace
Come on home
Coming in going out
Con man
Cool as it gets
Cruisin’ Southern Germany
Crystal heaven
Cut ‘em down to size
Lyrics D
Daddy buy me a girl
Daddy’s gonna save my soul
Darkness, darkness
Déjà voodoo
Desperately trying to be different
Did I make you up
Distant love
Don’t close the door
Don’t run too far
Don’t stay away
Don’t stop the show
Don’t wanna loose that girl
Don’t worry
Dope runner
Lyrics E
Eight miles high
Enough is enough
Everyday’s torture
Evil love chain
Lyrics F
Faded jeans
Fightin’ windmills
Fist in glove
Flowers in the mud
Fluid conduction
Freedom don’t last forever
From heaven from hell
Lyrics G
Gambler’s blues
Gipsy rhapsody
God bless the day
Going crazy again
Going to the run
Goodbye Mama
Gotta see Jane
Grab it for a second
Gypsy Rose
Lyrics H
Happy and young together
Have a heart
High in the sky
Hold me now
Holy holy life
Holy witness
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Lyrics I
I am a fool
I can’t do without your kiss
I can’t sleep without you
I do rock ’n roll
I don’t wanna be nobody else
I hate saying these words
I need love
I sing my song
I’ll be back again
I’ll make it all up to you
I’m a runnin’
I’m gonna send my pigeons to the sky
I’ve just lost somebody
If you leave me
In a bad mood
In my house
Instant poetry
Intro: Plus minus absurdio
It’s over now
It’s alright, but I admit it could be better
Lyrics J
Jane Jane
Je regrette
Johnny make believe
Jump and run
Just a little bit of peace in my heart
Just like Vince Taylor
Justin time
Lyrics K
Keeper of the flame
Kill me (ce soir)
King dark
Lyrics L
Last blast of the Century
Last of the Mohicans
Latin lightning
Legalize telepathy
Liquid soul
Little time bomb
Living with me (ain’t that easy)
Lonely everyday
Long blond animal
Lost and found
Love in motion
Love is a loser (when lust comes around)
Love is a rodeo
Lucky numbers
Lyrics M
Mad love’s comin’
Making love to yourself
Maximum make-up
Miles away from nowhere
Minute by minute
Mission impossible
Mitch mover
Mood indigo
Move over
Movin’ down life
Mr. Fortune’s wife
Murdock 9-6182
Must I cry?
My baby Ruby
My killer my shadow
My lips are sealed
My little red book
My town
Lyrics N
Need her
No for an answer
No one loved you more than me
Nobody but you
Now I have
Lyrics O
On a night like you
One huge road
One night without you
One shot away from paradise
One word
Orwell’s year
Over the cliff into the deep deep blue
Lyrics P
Pam pam poope poope loux
Paradise in distress
Planet blue
Please go
Pourin’ my heart out again
Prisoner of the night
Lyrics Q
Quiet eyes
Lyrics R
Radar love
Remember my friend
Lyrics S
Sail on sailor
Save the best for later
Save your skin
Say my prayer
Say when
See see
Sellin’ out
Shadow avenue
She flies on strange wings
She may be
Silver ships
Skyscraper hell of a town
Slow down
Smoking cigarettes
Snot love in Spain
Something heavy going down
Song of a devil’s servant
Sound of the screaming day
Space ship
Stand by me
Sticks and stones
Still got the keys to my first Cadillac
Suzy Lunacy (mental rock)
Lyrics T
Take my hand – close my eyes
Tears and lies
Temporary madness
That day
That’s why I believe in her
The devil made me do it
The fighter
The grand piano
The hammer of love
The last frontier hotel
The loner
The lonesome D.J.
The naked truth
The road swallowed her name
The sad story of Sam Stone
The song is over
The switch
The thief
The truth about Arthur
The unforgettable dream
The Vanilla Queen
The wall of dolls
There will be a tomorrow
They dance
This is the other side of life
This is the time of the year
This love
This wheel’s on fire
Thousand feet below you
Tiger bay
Time is a book
Time warp
Time’s up
To the hilt
Together we live, together we love
Tons of time
Too much woman (not enough girl)
Troubles and hassles
Try a little tenderness
Turn the page
Turn the world around
Twilight zone
Lyrics U
U-turn time
Lyrics V
Lyrics W
Waiting for you
Wanted by women
Watcha gonna do (when the levee breaks)
Weekend love
What do I know about love
When I was young
When love turns to pain
When people talk
When the lady smiles
Where will I be
Whisper in a crowd
Who do you love
Why do I
Why me?
Will & Mercy
Lyrics Y
Yellow and blue
Yes! We’re on fire
You break my heart
You gun my love
You’re better off free
Barry Hay
Cesar Zuiderwijk
George Kooymans
Jojo (1971)
Solo (1987)
Rinus Gerritsen
Thank you
Box sets
Alive… through the years
2nd Live (2018)
Alive… Through the years – Bonus CD (2018)
Completely Naked Vol. 1 (2018)
Completely Naked Vol. 2 (2018)
Last blast of the Century (2018)
Live (2018)
Something heavy going down (2018)
Complete studio recordings
Bloody buccaneers (1991)
Non-album tracks 1 (2017)
Non-album tracks 2 (2017)
Non-album tracks 3 (2017)
The Red Bullet years (2002)
The continuing story of Radar love (2001)
2nd Live (1981)
Bloody buccaneers (1991)
Contraband (1976)
Cut (1982)
Eight miles high (1969)
Face it (1994)
Golden Earring (1970)
Grab it for a second (1978)
Just Ear-rings (1965)
Keeper of the flame (1989)
Last blast of the Century (2000)
Live (1977)
Live in Ahoy 2006 (2006)
Love sweat (1995)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2003)
Miracle mirror (1968)
Moontan (1973)
N.E.W.S. (1984)
Naked II (1997)
Naked III (2005)
No promises… no debts (1979)
On the double (1969)
Paradise in distress (1999)
Prisoner of the night (1980)
Seven tears (1971)
Something heavy going down (1984)
Switch (1975)
The Hague (2015)
The hole (1986)
The naked truth (1992)
Tits’n ass (2012)
To the hilt (1976)
Together (1972)
Winter harvest (1967)
A sound I never heard (2003)
Albino moon (2003)
Angel (1995)
Angel (live) (2005)
Another 45 miles (live) (1992)
As long as the wind blows (live) (1993)
Burning Stuntman (1997)
Colourblind (2003)
Distant love (1989)
Going to the run (1991)
Gotta see Jane (1996)
Hold me now (1994)
I can’t sleep without you (live) (1992)
I’ve just lost somebody (live) (2005)
Johnny make believe (1994)
Just a little bit of peace in my heart (live) (1998)
Long blond animal (live) (1993)
Making love to yourself (1992)
My killer my shadow (1988)
Paradise in distress (1999)
Pouring my heart out again (1992)
Say when (2019)
Temporary madness (1991)
The devil made me do it (live) (1998)
This wheel’s on fire (1996)
Turn the world around (1989)
Whisper in a crowd (1999)
Yes! We’re on fire (2000)
Compilation Albums
50 Jaar Nederpop (2008)
50 Years – anniversary album (2015)
Best of Golden Earring (1992)
Buddy Joe (1990)
Collected (2009)
Collections (2006)
Fully naked (2000)
Fully naked (2012)
Golden greats (1991)
Greatest hits (1968)
Greatest hits (1993)
Lowland Gods (live)
Naked II & Paradise in distress (2004)
Radar love 1991
Singles 1965-1967 (1995)
The collection (1993)
The complete naked truth (1998)
The complete single collection (1965-1991)
The continuing story of Radar love (1989)
The devil made us do it (4 cd) (2000)
The golden years of Dutch pop music (2015)
The long versions (2008)
The very best of (volume 1) (1988)
The very best of (volume 2) (1988)
Very best of (2008)
Very best of vol. 2 (2011)
Don’t stop the show (2002)
Last blast of the century (2001)
Live from the Twilight Zone
Live in Ahoy 2006 (2006)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2003)
Naked II (2004)
The devil made us do it (2002)
The naked truth (2002)
50 years – anniversary album (2016)
Contraband (2021)
Cut (1982)
Cut (2010)
Eight miles high (2019)
Face it (2018)
Fully naked (2019)
Golden Earring (2019)
Last blast of the Century (2020)
Live (2019)
Live (2021)
Mad love (1977)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2003)
Millbrook U.S.A. (2018)
Naked II (2018)
Paradise in distress (2019)
Seven tears (2019)
Switch (2021)
To the hilt (2021)
Together (2020)
Winter harvest (2018)
Maxi singles
Clear night moonlight (1984)
Going to the run (1991)
Live (1977)
My killer my shadow (1988)
N.E.W.S. (1984)
Something heavy going down (1984)
Temporary madness (1991)
Turn the world around (1989)
Twilight zone (1982)
When the lady smiles (1984)
Why do I (1986)
Face it (1994)
The naked truth (1992)
Music on Vinyl releases
Another 45 miles (1969)
Back home (1970)
Bombay (1976)
Buddy Joe (1972)
Ce soir (1975)
Clear night moonlight (1984)
Daddy buy me a girl (1966)
Distant love (1989)
Don’t run too far (1966)
Dong-dong-di-ki-di-gi-dong (1968)
Going to the run (1991)
Holy holy life (1971)
I do rock ’n roll (1979)
I’ve just lost somebody (1967)
If you leave me (1966)
In my house (1967)
Instant poetry (1974)
Just a little bit of peace in my heart (1968)
Just like Vince Taylor (live) (1977)
Long blond animal (1980)
Making love to yourself (1992)
Movin’ down life (1978)
My killer my shadow (1988)
N.E.W.S. (1984)
No for an answer (1980)
Please go (1965)
Pouring my heart out again (1992)
Quiet eyes (1986)
Radar love (1973)
Radar love (2020)
Say when (2020)
She flies on strange wings (1971)
Sleepwalkin’ (1976)
Slow down (1981)
Something heavy going down (1984)
Sound of the screaming day (1967)
Stand by me (1972)
Temporary madness (1991)
That day (1966)
The devil made me do it (1982)
They dance (1986)
To the hilt (1976)
Together we live, together we love (1967)
Turn the world around (1989)
Twilight zone (1982)
Twilight zone (2021)
Weekend love (1979)
When the lady smiles (1984)
Where will I be (1969)
Why do I (1986)
Burning stuntman
Last blast of the century
Live from the Twilight Zone
Making Face it
Naked II
The Golden Earring clips
The naked truth
Golden Earring on Youtube
Book of Lyrics
Lyrics alphabet
Lyrics #
42nd Street
Lyrics A
A shout in the dark
A sound I never heard
Acrobats and clowns
Against the grain
Albino moon
All day watcher
Another 45 miles
Another man in town
Are you receiving me
As long as the wind blows
Avalanche of love
Avenue of broken dreams
Lyrics B
Baby don’t make me nervous
Baby dynamite
Back home
Backbiting baby
Bad news to fall in love
Ballad of a thin man
Beautiful blue
Better of dead
Big tree blue sea
Bloody buccaneers
Born a second time
Brother wind
Buddy Joe
Burning stuntman
By routes
Lyrics C
Call me
Can do that
Can’t talk now
Candy’s going bad
Chargin’ up my batteries
Circus will be in town in time
Clear night moonlight
Come in outerspace
Come on home
Coming in going out
Con man
Cool as it gets
Cruisin’ Southern Germany
Crystal heaven
Cut ‘em down to size
Lyrics D
Daddy buy me a girl
Daddy’s gonna save my soul
Darkness, darkness
Déjà voodoo
Desperately trying to be different
Did I make you up
Distant love
Don’t close the door
Don’t run too far
Don’t stay away
Don’t stop the show
Don’t wanna loose that girl
Don’t worry
Dope runner
Lyrics E
Eight miles high
Enough is enough
Everyday’s torture
Evil love chain
Lyrics F
Faded jeans
Fightin’ windmills
Fist in glove
Flowers in the mud
Fluid conduction
Freedom don’t last forever
From heaven from hell
Lyrics G
Gambler’s blues
Gipsy rhapsody
God bless the day
Going crazy again
Going to the run
Goodbye Mama
Gotta see Jane
Grab it for a second
Gypsy Rose
Lyrics H
Happy and young together
Have a heart
High in the sky
Hold me now
Holy holy life
Holy witness
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Lyrics I
I am a fool
I can’t do without your kiss
I can’t sleep without you
I do rock ’n roll
I don’t wanna be nobody else
I hate saying these words
I need love
I sing my song
I’ll be back again
I’ll make it all up to you
I’m a runnin’
I’m gonna send my pigeons to the sky
I’ve just lost somebody
If you leave me
In a bad mood
In my house
Instant poetry
Intro: Plus minus absurdio
It’s over now
It’s alright, but I admit it could be better
Lyrics J
Jane Jane
Je regrette
Johnny make believe
Jump and run
Just a little bit of peace in my heart
Just like Vince Taylor
Justin time
Lyrics K
Keeper of the flame
Kill me (ce soir)
King dark
Lyrics L
Last blast of the Century
Last of the Mohicans
Latin lightning
Legalize telepathy
Liquid soul
Little time bomb
Living with me (ain’t that easy)
Lonely everyday
Long blond animal
Lost and found
Love in motion
Love is a loser (when lust comes around)
Love is a rodeo
Lucky numbers
Lyrics M
Mad love’s comin’
Making love to yourself
Maximum make-up
Miles away from nowhere
Minute by minute
Mission impossible
Mitch mover
Mood indigo
Move over
Movin’ down life
Mr. Fortune’s wife
Murdock 9-6182
Must I cry?
My baby Ruby
My killer my shadow
My lips are sealed
My little red book
My town
Lyrics N
Need her
No for an answer
No one loved you more than me
Nobody but you
Now I have
Lyrics O
On a night like you
One huge road
One night without you
One shot away from paradise
One word
Orwell’s year
Over the cliff into the deep deep blue
Lyrics P
Pam pam poope poope loux
Paradise in distress
Planet blue
Please go
Pourin’ my heart out again
Prisoner of the night
Lyrics Q
Quiet eyes
Lyrics R
Radar love
Remember my friend
Lyrics S
Sail on sailor
Save the best for later
Save your skin
Say my prayer
Say when
See see
Sellin’ out
Shadow avenue
She flies on strange wings
She may be
Silver ships
Skyscraper hell of a town
Slow down
Smoking cigarettes
Snot love in Spain
Something heavy going down
Song of a devil’s servant
Sound of the screaming day
Space ship
Stand by me
Sticks and stones
Still got the keys to my first Cadillac
Suzy Lunacy (mental rock)
Lyrics T
Take my hand – close my eyes
Tears and lies
Temporary madness
That day
That’s why I believe in her
The devil made me do it
The fighter
The grand piano
The hammer of love
The last frontier hotel
The loner
The lonesome D.J.
The naked truth
The road swallowed her name
The sad story of Sam Stone
The song is over
The switch
The thief
The truth about Arthur
The unforgettable dream
The Vanilla Queen
The wall of dolls
There will be a tomorrow
They dance
This is the other side of life
This is the time of the year
This love
This wheel’s on fire
Thousand feet below you
Tiger bay
Time is a book
Time warp
Time’s up
To the hilt
Together we live, together we love
Tons of time
Too much woman (not enough girl)
Troubles and hassles
Try a little tenderness
Turn the page
Turn the world around
Twilight zone
Lyrics U
U-turn time
Lyrics V
Lyrics W
Waiting for you
Wanted by women
Watcha gonna do (when the levee breaks)
Weekend love
What do I know about love
When I was young
When love turns to pain
When people talk
When the lady smiles
Where will I be
Whisper in a crowd
Who do you love
Why do I
Why me?
Will & Mercy
Lyrics Y
Yellow and blue
Yes! We’re on fire
You break my heart
You gun my love
You’re better off free
Barry Hay
Cesar Zuiderwijk
George Kooymans
Jojo (1971)
Solo (1987)
Rinus Gerritsen
Thank you
Cesar Zuiderwijk